Friday, July 23, 2010

Me? I'm not important to you

you finally said me??
I thought you said I never existed..

nothing actually matters 
when it comes to me..
I'm just an ordinary invisible girl that never existed in YOUR life..
Everything about me is nothing about you..

Every time i duty during recess, 
I am sure to be called a DOG and bad words..
You see,
No one really cares who am I

I might be stupid than you guys,
think again..
You guys are gonna regret doing that in the future..

get the hell out of my life!
you are nothing to me
and i am nothing to you..
In this world,
there are sure to be loners like me..
loners who needs accompany..
and accepting them for who they really are..
so, those people who already got company..

well, that's how i feel..
and that's all for now..
goodbye and have a nice day!
don't be e.m.o.!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sports =]

Well, I kinda like sports..
I joined the netball team..
I play badminton with my family sometimes..
And tomorrow me and a few friends will be going to a stadium to support SINGAPORE!
Well, it was really last minute when i fill in the form..
It was all of the sudden 
When some of their classmates can't go..
They ask me fill in the form on the same day..
But too bad I cant go for 4 days in a row..
I only can go for 2 days..
Thrusday and Sunday..
Because I got camping at Saujana Puchong..
Actually, I dunno what to write..
I'm crapping..
Oh well.. I'll write my blog tomorrow 
If i got time..
For now, goodbye!!
+kimmy lee+ muacks muacks!! =] 

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I'm actually scared and fear of alot of things..
I don't  know why it keeps haunting me..
It's kinda scary because it keeps coming back for more..
I have this fear..

I'm afraid of looking out the windows at night..
I'm afraid of open and empty closets at night..
 I'm afraid of death chain messages
I'm actually afraid of all these just that i don't show it..

I've been afraid of this for all these years..
But no one knows about it.. 
Now, the ones reading this only know..
It spooks me..
Though there are people in the house..
And a room with people..
I do not dare to do anything i fear..
It's scary at night though i am a night type of person..
I'm scared..
Like a little kid..
I need to get rid of these fears..
How do I get it??
I got this when i was still a little kid..
To be honest with you guys..
I'm also afraid of dolls
because  some thing happen during when i was just 7..

I went to my uncle's house to stay for the night..
He put us in his daughter's room..
I used to play with the dolls..
I enjoyed playing with them..

But there was this gigantic doll 
With freaking big eyes..
I don't dare to go near it..
It was too scary..

So when it's time for bed..
I closed my eyes and in  a split second, i was fast asleep..
But suddenly, i woke up and saw the doll staring at me..
The doll, it looked like it's coming for me..

I cried till my mum woke up..
I told my mum that the doll was wanting me..
When my mum looked at the doll,
She just pat my head and put me to bed..

In the next morning,
My mum woke up early with my sister to take the car to service..
So i waited for her,
And i wish I will never come back to this place ever again..

My wish did come true..
Ever since my mum picked me up from there, I didn't go back to that horrible place..
This is what I actually feared for a very long time..

I am never going near dolls..



well, i have two dogs for myself.. 
Let me introduce them to you.. :)

This little dog name is YUKI!

  she's been with me for 2 and a half years now..
though she's very naughty and likes to bite
we still treasure her..
Long live YUKI!

NOW, time for the second one.. QIQI!!

we took her last year at September
she was just a little puppy..
Now, she's a really big one..

Well, to be honest, these two monsters don't get along well..
well, hopefully one day they will..
we see them grow, feed them, scold them [o.0], but most importantly,
it's really great to see dogs grow..
I hope every dog in this world
would be free from human cruelty..
they have the rights to be safe and have a long life..

Our dearest Yuki and QiQi :) 


the one thing that inspire me is my friends..
i couldn't live without them..
this year, i learnt that 
a simple mistake can ruin your friends..
friendship takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair..
 don't ignore your friends because of other people..
your friends are the one who will follow you through
tears, joys, laughter and sadness..
they are the only who knows how to cure you..
trust your friends and they will trust you..
friends are important in life
if you feel lonely, they'll be there for you...
if you feel like crying, they'll lend your shoulder to lean on..
if you need someone to talk to, your friend will be your ears to listen
if you feel happy, they will be there sharing the joys with you
if you feel like you're the only person left,
don't judge people by it's cover..
they might end up more successful than you are..
accept other people by knowing their attitude
who knows?
they might be the one with you  
your whole life..
cherish them..
make full use of time to cherish the ones who care bout you..

Saturday, July 10, 2010

If i was the BOSS :) Lyrics

If I were the boss 
*mornin boss how r u? bagus bagus...*
Even just for a day
*one chance only u know..what will u do ar? tats y im tellin u la..wait la..*
I would change the station name from Hitz to Radio Ean and JJ
*tats a nice ring to it.. tats y, just for u bro..*

If I were the boss
*wat will uuuuu do?*
Work will start on Tuesday
*wat do u think? i like i like, Wednesday also can*
We will end the week on Thursday and everyday will be halfday
*maybe 2hrs onli..better*

If I were the boss
I think I could understand
How it feels to work on budget
And give a raise of 20cent
Hang out with the girls
*babe apa khabar?..bagus~*
And be hard on the guys
*sori ar brother..have to la, cari makan*
Might dispatch me riding Harleys
Our trips will be to Bali
If we bankrupt I will break down and cry

If I were the boss
I will come up with a plan
*check it out ar..ehem ehem*
Make everyone do all the work
Take the credit and look like the man
*wah banyak handal ar u..thank u thank u*

If I were the boss
My lunch break will be 2days
*wah so long ar..yala then onli enuf time to eat*
I have PS3 in my room 200inch LCD and play all day
My way..JJ

If I were the boss
I think I could understand
How it feels to work on budget
And give a raise of 20cent
Hang out with the girls
*u looking very pretty today, naik gaji*
And be hard on the guys
*hey she looks pretty ok u do all her work..nonsense*

Might dispatch me riding Harleys
Our trips will be to Bali
If we bankrupt I wil break down and cry

Cause I will always come in late
Just to show who I'm
And if I was a girl I wil make them all call me Mam
*mornin Mam*
If you thought I wud be nicer
Then you thought it wrong~
*adui sakit..tarikla sikit*

But we are not the boss
*i knw tis sadly..haih...*
So we cannot cuti....cannot cuti..
Come to office really early
To try to make some money
So we can open stall jual nasi

*goreng, pattaya, kandar, lemak, wat else ar? ah..dagang.. so now wat do we do? i dunno..wait for the song to finish la cuz we r not the boss.. o yea...tunggu boss cakap la..boss..boss..okok thank u...ok bye boss..*

-A production by the Morning Crew JJ and Ean-